An abstract shape with yellow, greens, and orange shades, above is the uniquely you therapy collective name and logo.

letter writing

I believe that documentation should not be required in order to access gender affirming care, but our current healthcare system often requires it. Certain procedures require letters of support from a mental health professional, and sometimes a letter is necessary for insurance coverage. Therefore, I am committed to supporting adults (18+) interested in pursuing gender affirming care. As a doctoral level provider, I am able to write letters for all procedures and reserve weekly space to conduct assessments for support letters (for non-clients). For current clients, we can complete the process during a regularly scheduled session time.

Procedures that require one letter (from a provider with at least a Master’s degree) include:

  • Chest reconstruction

  • Breast removal or reduction

  • Breast augmentation

Procedures that require two letters (at least one must be from a doctoral level provider) include:

  • Vaginoplasty

  • Phalloplasty

Required documentation for other procedures or surgeries (orchiectomy, facial feminization surgery, electrolysis, tracheal shave, etc) may vary depending on your insurance company.


I can usually complete a letter during a single session (approx. 53 min) and can get you a copy of the letter within 1-2 weeks. Your assessment for a gender-affirming care letter includes: a PDF copy of your letter and ongoing support if your letter needs editing.

In line with my belief that gender affirming care should not require any documentation, I conduct my assessments on a sliding scale, pay-what-you-can basis of my $225 hourly rate. If you are able to pay $225, this allows me to offer more reduced fee and free services to other trans and gender-diverse folks who need them, while sustaining my practice. If you are not able to pay my hourly rate, please decide a price that is reasonable and meaningful to you between $0-225, and I will happily accept that.

If you are in crisis, please call 1-800-273-8255 [National Suicide Prevention Lifeline] or 1-877-565-8860 [Trans Lifeline]

or text “OSTEM” to 1-3-3-662-8209 [LGBTQ+ Crisis Text Line] or “HELLO” to 741741 [Crisis Text Line].